I've decided not to use this blog as a daily event thing where i bore people to tears about what i had for breakfast, but rather use it when i have some genuine stuff to share with people.
Daemon Sin said that in order to get people to come to the site, i had to fill it wqith stuff to do - Good content, games, liven up the forums and stuff like that. I'm thinking on having a lyrics writing competition where i record a piece of music, and get people to write the lyrics for it, i could then get the word out that there is a cash prize (i'm thinking on €20 for the first one). I'm sure i could get a few people ot come and participate, and even if i don't it's not that much money that i'm sad if it doesn't work. Other things i'm thinking about is a music review section where i (or someone else) reviews an album/single every week. Some news on music might go well, or maybe some takes on current events that can be
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