I've played 250 minutes this last two week ...so 3920 /4137 for the year. I've played 15/100 Blogtv shows. I've made 20/52 music videos. I did shit on practice, but in my defence...well...nah, any defence would be pretty shit. I work 60 hours a day, i have a pregnant wife, and i work nights so my free time isn't always acoustic guitar compatable. I still should be able to fit in 30 minutes of i get my fat arse off the computer chair (which is the real reason, after all). I heard on the radio that the only way to be rgeat at something is through thousands of hours practice, and here i am trying to get 10,000 minutes done in a year. So, at that rate (167 hours a year) I'll be a great guitarist by the time i'm oooooh, 108 years old. I need to pick the pace up a bit if i can, but as the kid is due in November, i doubt i'll be Yngie Malsteen good any time soon. I recorded another song - "sitting, waiting, wishing" by Jack Johnson - which i at least managed to sing fairly
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I've played 490 minutes this last two week ...so 3670 /3918 for the year. I've played 15/100 Blogtv shows. I've made 19/52 music videos. An intresting thing happened to me. I passed 100 subs on youtube and i couldn't make the obligatory Yeehaa video that people make. I got myself put on the channel page of a big youtuber who auctioned off spots in what he called "The cool box". Basically you can list channels on your home page and when people subscribe to you they get the option to sub to all your favs aswell. This went well, i jumped from 39 subs to 66 or so then something strange happened. The guy (Happy Cabbie) found out he had cirrhosis of the liver and told everyone in a video he had a terminal disease...then an even larger channel gave him a shout out suggesting people subscribe to him. I now have 176 subs. If he dies i could rake it in :P. This all has meant that i've been getting a few more views, but i always thought that i'd get to celeberate a landark
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I've played 420 minutes this last two week ...so 3180 /3507 for the year. I've played 14/100 Blogtv shows. I've made 17/52 music videos. I've run 65.5 miles this year It's been a year since i started this blog/site. I noticed just as i started typing this. I've made two music vids since i last blogged. One was a song i wrote myself (for which i am very proud of), and one is a version of a David Grey song. The song i wrote myself is called "raise a glass for Danny" and is basically a song about reminiscence. Danny is an old friend of mine who died some time back, and he is one a few people who died young in my area or in my group of friends/associates. He actually died in his 40's so he was not as young as most of those who fell by the wayside, but he was a good friend of mine so i thought using his name was apt for the song. Wherever you are mate, i hope you're enjoying a glass of Bucky or whatever. I managed 420 minutes practice in the past two weeks
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I've played 300 minutes this last two week ...so 2760 /3123 for the year. I've played 14/100 Blogtv shows. I've made 15/52 music videos. I've run 61.5 miles this year. Doing this every two week till i start getting some views, there's only so much i can say when i work 60 hours a week anyway :P 363 minutes behind on my playing, so i have to get myself back on track. I have a couple of riffs i want to make songs out of, it's just the lyrics that are holding me back. Using the capo on 3rd and 4th frets respectively, one sounds a bit 60s hippyish, and the other is slow and uses a couple of chords i stole from the barenaked ladies. Every time i try to write lyrics the come out melancholy about the summer and telling people not to worry...is that strange? I think it's because i'm going to be a father and i'm feeling rather parental now. Only ran once this week which is crap...gym on Teusday, i have to do it. There is a friend of mine, his daughter
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I've played 100 (180 the week before) minutes this last week ...so 2460 /2738 for the year. I've played 14/100 Blogtv shows. I've made14/52 music videos. I've run 57.5 miles this year. 28ff Hey there everybody. I haven't written a blog entry for nearly a month now, so this might be a long one. I don't expect half of you to read all of it, so here are the cliff notes.. Came back from China, stopped running, knocked up my wife, youtube is full of drama whores, _______, profit. I was in China for two weeks, and had a good time there. My cousin was getting married, and we were visiting family and stuff. I was going to make some videos when i was there but my SD card screwed up ,and to be honest i didn't feel like doing the video thing while i was there. I was just enjoying being htere and being away from work and stuff, so i left everything western behind for a couple of weeks and chilled out. Just before we went left the wife found out
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I've played 410 minutes this last week ...so 2180 /1781 for the year. I've played 14/100 Blogtv shows. I've made11/52 music videos. I've run 53.5 miles this year. 16ff This will be my last blog entry before i head off on holiday. I will amend the numbers above so they are up to date before i go but otherwise this is the last post. I probably run once more before i go, and clock up some more minutes of playing, but apart from that i'm winding down for China...weeeeeeeee. I've recorded two songs since my last blog entry. Both covers, one from the barenaked ladies, one from Snow Patrol. I have little time for anything else right now. I recorded the video on the front page which i found thoroughly enjoyable. I made an intro (i like it, shut up), and i have another planned for Wednesday where i will leave a picture of me in front of a chinese flag at the end for a minute so i can get a thumbnail. If i can find somewhere to power up my camera i will be
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I've played 120 minutes this last week ...so 1770 /1479 for the year. I've played 14/100 Blogtv shows. I've made 9/52 music videos. I've run 43.5 miles this year.
Didn't do much this week to increase my new year's targets. I never ran atall, and couldn't be arsed to do any blogtv. I just made a video for It's a ride (part 8) which i actually quite like. I had the second riff in my head and wanted to use it somehow.
The talking videos are a non-runner...i just can't be arsed doing them. I may do another, but my heart is not really in it.
Getting ready for my trip to China, and apparently we're going to Italy in April for easter weekend...is it hick like to say the food is my main draw to this country?
Not much to say, and i've said it. May have more to say next week....Huck
Hi there guys. I've played 210 minutes this last week ...so 1650 /1205 for the year. I've played 14/100 Blogtv shows. I've made 8/52 music videos. I've run 43.5 miles this year. I've been enjoying my playing of late, even though there seems to be a inverse correlation to the views i've been getting on spewtube. Putting the video and blog links on the home page here seems to be working for people (one click is so much easier than look and find), so i should be happy for that WINNAR~!. I just jammed a few decent riffs that i might turn into songs, and learned how to play Beautiful world (posted it almost immediately as a vid). It's strange to me the things that get attention really, the stuff i really like sometimes gets blanked whereas others (covers usually) get constant views (comparatively). Don't mind, don't care...enjoying the jams is really the best thing, fuck everyone else...well, the views are nice though. Ran 15K this week, and set up my charity
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I've played 280 minutes this last two weeks ...so 1440 /1013 for the year. I've played 12/100 Blogtv shows. I've made 7/52 music videos. I've run 34.5 miles this year. Hi guys, sad day on Sunday. Garry Moore passed away in a hotel room in spain. Something in me hopes there was either sex or drugs involved, and that he went out with a smile...but that's just me. I ran my first 10k on monday, and done 20k over the week making it another €12 for the cause. I found a friend from work who did his first marathon three years ago with a time of 6 hours 30 mins (or there abouts)...that works out at something like 2 miles every 30 minues, surely i can beat that :). I am setting up a "Just giving" page so that i can get people to donate to a charity of my choice...the charity i have chosen is Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). My page is here. http://www.justgiving.com/Huckleberryhound<
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I've played 440 minutes this last two weeks ...so 1160/822 for the year. I've played 10/100 Blogtv shows. I've made 7/52 music videos. I've run 22.5 miles this year. This is my first blog entry for two weeks, as i was sick last week and didn't do anything last Sunday. This week i made a couple of videos where i just talked in them. One was a tester about the new youtube homepage layout, and the second was a reaction video about a debate/argument i saw on blog tv between and athiest and a theist...the subsaquent reaction ot the blogtv show in question spawned 4 videos in total that i have seen (mine being one of them), and it has brought my own opinions on the whole debate to the fore. I am a devout believer in the word "Agnostic", and i plan to explain it in my next talking video using a cup and a ball of some description maybe. The whole argument has also made me see that there are a whole bunch of wanker athiests (or anti-thiests) on youtube who i really think are
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