I know some people will be looking at this site and wondering if i've forgotten about it, but i haven't.
Truth is i've just to date worked 120 hours in the past 11 days wiothout a day off to speak of ( i had one, but i had to change from nights to dayshift and back again). I'm working tonight, then i have Saturday off...My TEFL prof has allowed me extra time to finish the last unit, so i'll be working on it Saturday/Sunday, so i'll be working on this on Monday....Promise.
I'm going to post a review of APB (Preview really as it's just a review on the keys to the city), i'm going to put a new song up, and i'm going to try and get some decent video of Dublin to put to music. I'm getting to buy a new guitar soon (and electric ,probably a Fender Strat), and i'll write the competition song when i get it. I wish i had a decent drum machine/software so i could make it a proper song but we'll do what we can.
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