Hi there all. If you're reading this then Thank you.
First off, i clocked up 270 minutes this week. That's 3655 minutes since i started this (29th may, i just looked).
Secondly the new video.
I was jammming away trying to think up a riff for a new video for Monday when i cremembered a couple of songs i used to play to myself - Welcome ot the Machine, and Prodigal Son. Prodigal son came first bringing in a verse starting in E minor, which after a mess about reminded me of Welcome to the Machine...then i remembered a song i wrote myself back way back....way way back in the day, not even sure if i gave it a title.
It was a mellow song about a guy walking down the street and seeing a homeless guy, and being told to "Fuck off" by him for staring at him. The idea was to create an impression of a mystical event like finding an old wise man (how drifters are often portrayed in films, or they were at least), only for it to be shattered by real life. At the time i was living in a bed sit in the centre of town, and was ...well, let's say i drank my fair share of cooking sherry. Anyhoo, i decided i was going to record it for my next video and to jam a bit after it to make it interesting for me.
Since then a youtuber called "Happy Cabbie" has been auctioning off spaces in one of his videos (to advertise other people's videos) on ebay...i have bid for one of these spaces and at time of writing this i am the winning bid with the auciton ending in three hours (midnight GMT). This space will get my video at least 4000 views which is more than all my other videos combined. I therefore decided to make the video i did and push the idea of helping the homeless over christmas. I originally thought to advertise this site and my blogtv channel, but i've decided not to do that and if anyone is genuinely interested in my stuff they can find it themselves very easily...i'll keep this honest.
So, after watching my video view count closely to see if i could get to 5000 before the new year (and realising i would fail miserably) i may now double that and maybe even hit 10,000...that is of course useless if nobody watches thenext one (insert smiley face with tongue sticking out). (edit - i won the bid, just waiting for the vid to start getting all these views...if i get more views for my next video i will call this a success).
Well that's the history and reason for the video, i hope you all enjoy it.
Peace out....Huck