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Main » 2011 » June » 16 » Should've done this a few days ago
2:13 AM
Should've done this a few days ago
I've played 250 minutes this last two week ...so 3920 /4137 for the year.
I've played 15/100 Blogtv shows.
I've made 20/52 music videos.

I did shit on practice, but in my defence...well...nah, any defence would be pretty shit. I work 60 hours a day, i have a pregnant wife, and i work nights so my free time isn't always acoustic guitar compatable. I still should be able to fit in 30 minutes of i get my fat arse off the computer chair (which is the real reason, after all). I heard on the radio that the only way to be rgeat at something is through thousands of hours practice, and here i am trying to get 10,000 minutes done in a year. So, at that rate (167 hours a year) I'll be a great guitarist by the time i'm oooooh, 108 years old. I need to pick the pace up a bit if i can, but as the kid is due in November, i doubt i'll be Yngie Malsteen good any time soon.

I recorded another song - "sitting, waiting, wishing" by Jack Johnson - which i at least managed to sing fairly decently. It's a song i play pretty much every practice so the playing was easy enough. I'm trying to get away from my previous recording method of learning a song in 10 minutes, then recording it 10 minutes later. I think it is paying off, as this recording was actually passable...i added a bit of bass afterwards, but otherwise it was a pretty damn good effort.

I did another video for the fron page aswell, and i may regularly change it every couple of weeks if i can find enough content to do it. I might talk about a band or album every week, one that i like, and also do regular check ups on my garden (big wooo). It's not so much that i want to excite the world with my "Huck's world" videos, i just want to practice editting and make something that isn't drama or jumping on people for the sake of it...some harmless fun from moi is alll i want to put out.

Anyhoo...another fortnight blog done, i'll try to do better with the practice and maybe have another song and HW vid to talk about next time.

Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 720 | Added by: Huck | Rating: 0.0/0
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