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I've played 310 minutes this week...so 720/438 for the year.
I've played 6/100 Blogtv shows.
I've made 4/52 music videos.

I've decided to count my cover videos as vids for the year, after i realised that not even Gershwin could come up with a good song every week with just an accoustic guitar and my talent. I recorded my blog TV last week, and threw it up on youtube, i also recorded my doing "The beat(en) Generation" by The The....not very well it has to be said, but it still counts in my book :P

I've noticed improvements in my playing, and my singing of late. I think the practice is showing, and even though i'm nowhere near as good as some of the guys i see on blogtv i'm tightening up a lot, and my mistakes are a lot less. I'm practicing a few more covers to add to my repertoire as i'd ideally like to have 2 hours of material to work off of in my half hour slots...so i can mix it up when i want to.

I've run another 7.5 miles. I was supposed to run today, but ... Read more »
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 596 | Added by: Huck | Date: 16-01-2011 | Comments (0)

First thing get the numbers out.

I've played 350 minutes this week...so 410/247 for the year.
I've played 3/100 Blogtv shows.
I've made 2/52 music videos, but one is not original so i'm still going to say 1/52

I've reached 10,061 views which i did by making a cover video of a nirvana song and posting and linking it till i reached it...i only needed 30 views, and i actually would've got them anyway by now from my 1916 video but i wanted to get there as fast as possible.

Iv'e run 10 miles over 4 sessions, but working dayshift at the weekend meant i haven't run for 3 days.

I will work on a new song tomorrow, and i hope to have it up by Teusday night at the latest. I will only get 20-30 views unless i pitch it at someone or something in particular (gothat funk pwnage song a good example, or a cover song always gets more views).

Not much to say this week, just working and practicing really.

Peace out...Huck.
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 579 | Added by: Huck | Date: 09-01-2011 | Comments (0)

Hi there, and Happy New year to whoever is reading this. I will be listing my New year's resolutions here and when i look back at 2011 i hope i can say i have achieved all or most of them....nah, all of them. I know i have liste my objectives in the video on the homepage, but this will be a more comprehensive list with explanations and any extra stuff i think i should add which wasn't in the video....Anyhoo, let's start.

1) I want to make a music video every week - 52 in all, hopefully every Monday. I want at least 10 of them to be collaberations with other youtubers, 2 to be fully animated, and at least one to be fully VST (Virtual Studio Technology) created.

2) I'd like to make talking videos every two weeks. These would be more vloggy wherei would chat for a few minutes. If they don't take off, i will gladly pack the idea in as a bad idea.

3) I will be starting from scratch with my 10,000 minutes practice for the year. This works out at roughly 28 minut ... Read more »
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 613 | Added by: Huck | Date: 02-01-2011 | Comments (0)

I posted my last song early, a couple of days ago. I worked with Tperusic on it and it is my first proper collab video. I am very pleased with how it came out, and i plan to do more collab videos...i just need to find people to collaberate with.

I never counted my minutes this week, and to be honest i never really picked up the guitar this week apart from making the song video...probably 40 minutes total if i'm lucky. I've decided to zero my coun ting for the New year and make 10,000 a year goal for next year...along with some other things (i'm making a list right now) that i will put in my new year video.

I will be making a video about what i plan to achieve in the next year. Among the list will be to make a music video every week, to run 1000 km in the year (with video based consaquences), to make a totally animated video, to make 10 collab videos at least...to build my web site, and other things i might add. This will be as much for myself as for others to see, and as ... Read more »
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 606 | Added by: Huck | Date: 26-12-2010 | Comments (0)

Hi there.

 I posted my latest video in the video section, please enjoy. I liked doing it, and i may return to it at a later date and make it more structured. I was actually jamming around the chords i have for another song i am doing (going to be IJAR5) where i am teaming up with a cool dude named..."tperusic" on youtube. He got two of the six slots on happy cabbie's page and subbed ot me (and i returned the favour). After seeing how prolific he was with his vids i PM'd him and suggested we colab a bit...I should have something done for next week. Anyhoo...while jamming around with the chords i used for that ( capo on the 2nd fret) i came up with this.

I only managed around 100 minutes practice this week. Christmas is coming, and the wife has my free time that work hasn't stolen from me. 4005 minutes, can't see me hitting 5000 before new year, but that WOULD be a great achievement...just to be able to post that magic number. I will set myself a year target for new y ... Read more »
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 555 | Added by: Huck | Date: 19-12-2010 | Comments (0)

First off...250 minutes playing this week, making 3905 since May. I'd love to finish 5000 for year end, but i doubt it would be possible.

Three big things have happened in the world of...well, Huck's world.

1) I won the ebay auction and got my video featured on Happy Cabbie's page and video...he has promised 4000 views, but that's not the big thing...Youtube sent me an e-mail saying my video was eligable for The individual video partnership program...this means i can put adsense on this video if it is accepted, and i've decided to do it (after chatting with Cabbie). This is a first step to partnership, but i know it is just a taste of what is over the next few hills and valleys, not round the corner. My video has had 1800 views but i've only got like three subscribers from all those views...i may never get a video watched by so many people again and for so few people to actually sub to my channel is quite disheartening to say the least.

2) Happy Cabbie has agre ... Read more »
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 601 | Added by: Huck | Date: 13-12-2010 | Comments (0)

Hi there all. If you're reading this then Thank you.

First off, i clocked up 270 minutes this week. That's 3655 minutes since i started this (29th may, i just looked).

Secondly the new video.

I was jammming away trying to think up a riff for a new video for Monday when i cremembered a couple of songs i used to play to myself - Welcome ot the Machine, and Prodigal Son. Prodigal son came first bringing in a verse starting in E minor, which after a mess about reminded me of Welcome to the Machine...then i remembered a song i wrote myself back way back....way way back in the day, not even sure if i gave it a title.

It was a mellow song about a guy walking down the street and seeing a homeless guy, and being told to "Fuck off" by him for staring at him. The idea was to create an impression of a mystical event like finding an old wise man (how drifters are often portrayed in films, or they were at least), only for it to be shattered by real life. At the time i w ... Read more »
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 571 | Added by: Huck | Date: 05-12-2010 | Comments (0)

First off...clocked 150 minutes this week (3285). I tried not playing covers atall and just jamming, and all it seems to've done is made me crap at the covers i do again...i need to find a decent prqctice system. I have next week off so i will set myself a target of 500 minutes for next week. That very doable, and i also need to change the strings on my guitar as they're starting to sound extra shit and dull.

Still haven't written a song, but i hit on an idea that i fancy trying out. I was watching "American" the story of Bill Hicks, and i thought about recording a weekly free-form piece and calling them "It's just a ride" in his honour. I tried to record a few minutes while playing live on my blogtv but the whole live show was shit and the free form part was well....just as shit as the rest. I'm still going to do it though. I need to start producing music and recording it migh t just be the way forward. A weekly piece would give me something to shoot for and as long as i don't ... Read more »
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 603 | Added by: Huck | Date: 28-11-2010 | Comments (0)

Got a cold...nothing to do with my music per se, but it is the reason i haven't preacticed for the past couple of days. I clocked up 150 minutes last week, which puts me up to 3135 minutes since i started this 10,000 clock up...i might zero this in the new year, not sure yet. Maybe i'll just log the year and keep it going.

I haven't learned any new songs, or written one for ages (i wish i could). Not sure why i can't write any stuff, i think i can jam a bit of a tune, but recording one is a different thing...making it interesting even more so. There's not much to write a song about at the moment. I usually get a buzz around something and finish it in a day, but i can't be arsed these days with anything i come up with. I will try this week not to play covers till sunday, that way i might find a few riffs i can put something together. I've worked out how to make drum riffs with cubase, but i need to work on it a bit. Playing to click tracks is so boring, and layering a song ov ... Read more »
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 597 | Added by: Huck | Date: 23-11-2010 | Comments (0)

I've been sober nearly two weeks now, and this is supposed to be beer night....bugge bugger bugger bugger...god i need a freaking beer.

I managed 375 minutes practice this week, so that's 2985 since i began the count (i really should check the date for reference, would take me two freaking minutes aswell). i wil set another 400 target for this week.

My playing was kinda crap. I remembered a few songs from back when and played them as if they were gig ready (blogtv gig, anyway), and they weren't. I had virtually nobosy watching me until i started playing the old songs i usually do, then i hads a few stayers and even a friend invite. I doubt whether i will ever get above 6 people watching at one time, but as i am making mistakes still i don't mind.
I've noticed however, that trolls have started appearing on my shows...usually to say something like "guitarists are shit" then they leave...I laughed at my first troll...it was like a feeling of accomplishment getting my "fir ... Read more »
Category: Huck Talks Shite | Views: 587 | Added by: Huck | Date: 14-11-2010 | Comments (0)

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